
Back-end Working Panel

I. Global Settings

The global settings are applied for all styles, themes and layout, no matter the settings are changed in any styles.

1. Development Mode

This is an important option. You should clearly define the differences between enabling and disabling the option.


a. Enable Development Mode

When you are developing your site, you should enable this option. Once it's turned on, your site directly runs on original files - LESS files. You can use firebug to track.

After you finish your development, you should compile LESS to CSS. This option will compile LESS files to CSS files. All your changes in LESS files will be compiled to corresponding CSS files.

In this mode, it is easy for you to develop your site with LESS but it will decrease your site speed so when you finish developing, turn the option off.

b. Disable Development Mode

When you are not developing your site, you should disable the option. This will increase your site speed. In this mode, your site runs on CSS, not LESS. The CSS files are compiled from LESS files.

2. Enable Responsive

JA T3 3.0 allows turn on or off the feature RESPONSIVE with one click.

To turn on/off the option, just navigate to your back-end, then go to: Extensions --> Template Manager --> T3v3 Blank (select your default styles) --> in the General tab, you will see the setting option for the feature.

When the option is disabled, your site is a non-responsive site. When responsive is disabled, all responsive files are not used (actually, they are not called, your site ignores the files).

Responsive is enabled

Responsive is not enabled

3. Enable ThemeMagic

Step 1: Enable the option Enable ThemeMagic. Now the ThemeMagic feature is active.

Step 2: Access The ThemeMagic setting panel

This option should be enabled only when you customize your theme using ThemeMagic, after you finish your customization, you should turn it off.

Detail guide of how to use the ThemeMagic

4. Enable CSS Minify

JA T3V3 allows you to minify CSS. When you compile LESS to CSS, it also minify CSS. The minified CSS files are stored in: <code>templates/ja_t3v3_blank/css </code>.

When the option CSS Minify is enabled, your site runs on the minified css file. Your site will be faster, because the request CSS files will be less than when the your site runs on normal css files.

Detail guide of CSS Minify

II. Compile LESS to CSS

When to use the option?

The "Compile LESS to CSS" option is to compile the LESS that that we use to develop the webiste to CSS files that our website runs on (when development mode is off). The LESS files will be compiled to corresponding CSS files. And it will override all current CSS files.

III. Theme Settings

The Theme settings allows you to configure the Theme, Logo. The settings can be also configured in the ThemeMagic setting panel

Theme Setting

Select a theme that you want the current style applies. Each style goes with one theme.

Logo Setting

JA T3 3.0 allows you to select image or text logo. If you select to use image logo, browse to the image that is displayed as logo. If you select text logo, enter the text that is displayed as logo, slogan is optional.

Now, let's see how front-end looks like.

Change Logo Image and Customize Logo size

An other way to change logo is change the logo image path in the file: variables.less in: templates/ja_t3v3_blank/less. You can also customize the logo size in this file.

 // T3 LOGO
// --------------------------------------------------
@T3logoWidth: 270px;
@T3logoHeight: 65px;

@T3LogoImage: "../images/logo.png";

IV. Layout Configuration

Select Layout for style

In JA T3V3, each style will use one layout (but remember that one site use many styles --> so one site can use multi layouts simultaneously because JA T3V3 use multiple styles simultaneously).

Layout Configuration

JA T3 3.0 supports multiple layouts by default. In each layout, it is built up with multiple blocks (header, mainbody, spotlight ...). Each block contains one or many module positions. You can assign specific module positions to a block.

Know more

V. Navigation - Mega Menu Configuration

JA T3 3.0 supports mega menu, a feature missing from Joomla!. With mega menu system, you can make your menu eye-watch, flexible and more friendly with your user. There is not much difference between JA T3 V2 and JA T3 V3, so if you are familiar with the previous version, it is not difficult for you to use the new version of JA T3. In the new version, you can select to enable or disable the mega menu feature. If you disable the feature, your site uses default menu system.The following is the instruction of how to use the Mega menu feature.

  1. Enable Mega Menu

    From setting panel of JA T3 blank template, select Navigation tab, then enable the MegaMenu feature

    • Select Menu: Select menu that Megamenu is enabled
    • End Level: you can limit the level of menu that can be displayed in front-end.
    • Show MegaMenu: If Yes, the image of menu will be displayed
    • Show as background: This option is only configured in case the option "Show MegaMenu Image" is enabled. The option will integrate the menu image as background or img tag.
    • Animation Type: select the animation when moving menus in front-end (none, slide, fade, fade and slide).
    • Animation Duration: set the animation duration in milliseconds
  2. Setting Mega Menu in Menu setting

VI. Menu Assignment

In this section, assign the menus that will have the current style applied. Remember that the menus that are assigned will override the same menus in default style.

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